Newmarket Democrats Town Committee Caucus
Monday February 17th 6:30 PM To elect: Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary 3 delegates to the State Convention Newmarket residents who are registered Democrats are eligible to vote and run for these positions. The regular monthly meeting will be held following the caucus. Register here: Newmarket Democrats Biennial Caucus · The NH Democratic Party Congressional Correspondence - Our Congressional Delegation
Each member has a newsletter, please subscribe via their website. Jeanne Shaheen Maggie Hassan Chris Pappas State Legislatures and ALEC: This video is from 2014, but little has changed. A great many things are happening in state legislatures and they're not all good. NH State House Happenings
State Budget Battle About To Begin in Earnest NH House Votes to Withdraw Abortion Restriction Bill State tells schools to ‘evaluate’ whether their DEI programs comply with Trump orders GOP Celebrates End of N.H. Interest and Dividends Tax In FY2024, the Interest and Dividends Tax was NH's 7th largest State Tax Revenue source at 184.3M and households with high incomes disproportionately benefit from Interest and Dividends repeal. The repeal of the Interest and Dividends means that revenue is not available to fund key priorities in the 2026-27 state budget. Republicans have recklessly failed to answer for how to fill the gap or what cuts will be made to balance the budget. Republicans have wide majorities in the House and Senate. Here are their priorities. NH Democracy Toolkit: How to stay informed and make your voice heard about what's happening at the State House
House & Senate calendars: Senate Calendar House Calendar House Remote Testimony Sign In page Indicate you oppose/support a bill. There's an option to submit a letter to the committee. Watch committee hearings: New Hampshire Senate Livestream NH House of Representatives Committee Streaming Register Your Position Remotely or Send a Letter Currently, both the House and the Senate are planning to conduct all committee hearings in person, without the option to testify remotely that was available last year, and this seems unlikely to change. Thus, if you want to testify on a bill, you will need to come to Concord and attend the hearing in person. (You can watch the hearings on YouTube. See page 2 of the current House Calendar and page 1 of the current Senate Calendar for the links.) However, you still can register your position on a bill remotely. To do so, go to the General Court home page, and under “Links to Meeting Schedules,” click on either “House Remote Sign In” or “Senate Remote Sign In,” as appropriate, then follow the steps indicated, which are self-explanatory. If you have any questions, see the “Remote Sign In Directions” on the same page, and if you still have questions, call NHMA’s government affairs staff. Of course, registering as “support” or “oppose” merely makes you part of a number. While that helps a little, it is far better to send a letter or email to the committee that is hearing the bill and explain why the bill is good or bad. You can do this by finding the appropriate House or Senate committee (from the home page, go to “House” or “Senate,” then “Standing Committees”) and use the option to email all committee members. Again, contact us if you have questions. Civics 101 Podcast Education in New Hampshire
An introduction to education funding in NH (video) Rundlett building project places fourth on priority list for state Building Aid Rochester may combine two elementary schools 23 schools in NH flagged ‘in need’ of extra support School Funding Update: February 2022 A discussion of how the current budget and pending legislation impact education and property taxes. NH School Funding Fairness Project |
It's not unusual to meet NH residents who were born elsewhere. They relocated for employment, due to marriage, some were stationed at the former Pease Air Force Base and decided to stay. For others it's the outdoor recreation and scenery, proximity to Boston or the perennial favorite, no sales or income tax.
Well, here's one you may not have heard. How about moving to a state to take part in a plan to take over local and state government to create a Libertarian Utopia and secede from the United States? Crazy? You bet but, it's true and we have several of them in leadership positions in the state legislature. You can learn more about the Free State Project in the links below. This Twilight Episode comes to mind. The Kanamits are not unlike the Free State Project. Just Who Are These Free Staters/Young Americans for Liberty Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of New Hampshire Can NH Become a Libertarian Utopia Libertarians Pursue New Political Goal: State of Their Own - The New York Times ( Free Staters hold 15th annual 'PorcFest' Free State Manifesto When it all began... the Free State Project The White Mountain Boys The Free State Project and public education Freedom Doesn't Come for Free Anti-Freestater Demonstrators Radicals in the New Hampshire State House Sununu-goes-to-washington-to-talk-to-cato-institute-about-n-h with Free State Project founder, Jason Sorens Hearing of CACR 32 Relative to NH seceding from the United States Cue to 6:27 in the hearing which lasted 3 hours! Free Stater’s Motion Cuts Croydon School Budget in Half NH: Lessons From Croydon's 50% School Budget Cut Who are the free staters? In Croydon, school budget cuts prompt a reckoning on the role of local government A wake up call House Majority Leader Jason Osborne Free Stater (R) Auburn - awkward interview on WMUR A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Quorum CloseUp: Fenton says free state project is ‘winning’ As threats of far-right violence rise, New Hampshire Free Staters shared list of 'woke' churches Free Staters seek to undo New Hampshire government from within Free State Founder Jason Sorens Loses Amherst Planning Board Race Free State Project taps Maine state senator as its next leader Ian Freeman Must Pay $3.5M Restitution and Forfeit Proceeds of Money Laundering Newmarket Democratic Town Committee
Please consider a donation to the Newmarket Democratic Town Committee to support our work to grow and expand the Democratic presence in our community. Your contribution will go directly toward supporting the Committee's efforts and our local candidates. Newmarket Democrats — Donate via ActBlue Dear Rockingham County Democrats,
We ask all registered Democrats living in Rockingham County to sign up below to contribute at least $1 a month in the form of a “recurring contribution.” Funds raised will support our offices in Rockingham County so that we can have the best possible outcome up and down the ballot. Thank you very much. Mat Stover, Chair, Rockingham County Democratic Committee follow us